I joined HHF when I moved to Newtown about a year and a half ago. I was looking for a group that challenged me and made me feel welcome and part of the team. I was pretty fit to start with so I knew what I was looking for. I tried a few places before I hit the jackpot!!
I consistently attend 3 days a week at St Peters and I have no hesitations jumping out of bed in the mornings for our classes as it's like working out with your mates.
What I really enjoy are the block sessions of exercise focusing on one area for an extended period of time. We just finished training for the City to Surf so we will have a break from that and focus on other areas of our body now.
I am constantly being challenged and motivated and Lara caters to every fitness level at once because she knows we are all at different stages in life!
I have two kids and I work full time. I have no troubles fitting any of my training sessions in!

Why did you join HHF?
I needed to counter balance all the doughnuts I ate after spending 3 months in NYC...and I needed to change up my exercise regime after years of training at a gym. I wanted to be really challenged by my workouts, not going through the motions in a pump class.
What have you achieved since training with HHF?
The obvious thing is weight loss and muscle tone, but the biggest achievement for me has been maintaining constant motivation and actually looking forward to every workout (tyre sessions excluded).
What's been you best moment?
The weekend away really consolidated the years work. The training was hard but so much fun to be away and to bond with the rest of the group.
What's been your worst moment?
Everytime Tommy told me to hold the tyre above my head.
Why do you keep coming back?
I love our group, our trainers are amazing and motivating, and I know this type of fitness really works.
What did you look forward to in 2014?
More challenges and really pushing myself to be the best and fittest version of myself I can be.

Why did you join HHF?
Jenelle was my boss at the time and made me. Not Really. Moving to the inner west meant I had to give up football and I needed a fitness fix. I looked around for the best fit PT for my work hours and Lara's set up was most appealing.
Why do you like it?
Keeping fit, being able to sign up for any run/challenge at any time and competing is important to me. And the people, the people are great.
What's your highlight?
HHF Weekends away are a close second.... to my first beat yourself challenge at SYD uni in Feb last year. Having been he only one not to pick the swim I was given 100 rep for kettle bell swings, squats and lunges, plus the run. Tommy stood in and completed it with me, I barley new him as I was only a few months in, but Tommy and Lara got me through it.
Would you recommend it and why?
Yes for sure, Ive been with the group for nearly 2 years now and each session feels different. The 5 rounds throughout the year keep it interesting and the trainers mix it up at each session. If you need flexibility and the availability to do as many session as you need then HHF is definitely the best fit.

Working with Lara and the team at Healthy Habit fitness has been the best decision I have made ever! I joined HH when I wanted to start running in 2013 and haven’t looked back since.
Sessions are always well planned; optional training times and days makes it easy to take part; Platinum membership is fabulous value for money and the HH members are a great bunch of people to train with.
I have gone from couch to 5km and beyond - running in the C2S and Blackmore half marathon - and improved fitness levels all round.
Lara’s enthusiasm, superb subject knowledge, professionalism and all round encouragement is evident in the number of HH members who keep coming back for more!

Why did you join HHF?
The main reason I joined Healthy Habit was to be motivated to exercise more (and better). I wanted to get fitter but I knew I wouldn't come up with the same variety and intensity of workouts HHF offers. I like the idea of letting someone who knows what they’re doing design the workouts for me in order to get results. Also, the price seemed unbeatable and the location is really convenient to where I live.
Why do you like it?
As hoped, HHF has given me the incentive to exercise more and push myself harder when I do. Finishing a session always feels great because I know I've had a better workout than I would've had on my own. It helps that there are so many sessions to choose from each week and the trainers are all passionate about what they do.
What's your highlight?
Since joining, the highlight for me has been seeing my fitness improve a lot and feeling like I'm continually getting fitter. It's satisfying to be in a cycle of regular exercise and each session puts a positive spin on the rest of the day.
Would you recommend it and why?
I'd recommend HHF to anyone who feels like they need some extra motivation to get fit. Some people I speak to think that group training means being yelled at by some furious drill sergeant, but that's not what Healthy Habit is all about. The trainers motivate in a positive way. And once you work Healthy Habit sessions into your routine, you'll find yourself taking a healthier approach to other parts of your life.

Why did you join HHF?
I joined HHF almost three years ago because I wanted to start working out in fresh air on fresh grass! I was sick of being inside in air-conditioned gyms. Friends of mine had already been doing HHF for some weeks and they looked great, so I joined them in the challenge.
Why do you like it?
Love HHF because it forces me to get out of bed in the morning. The support that I get from the group and trainers is always encouraging me to push myself further and the guilt trips that I get off the trainers when I don't get up helps too.
What's your highlight?
My highlights have been my consistent fitness. No matter what kind of holidays I go away on, or season of life I go through I've never been so consistently confident in my fitness. Also I LOVE Burpees. Not. But in a weird way I do have a soft spot for them. Another highlight are the people you meet. Everyone is so lovely.
Would you recommend it and why?
I would definitely recommend HHF! Its been a life changer for me and the way that i view fitness and exercise. Im happier with my weight than I have ever been, and thats because of the stability that comes with this kind of regime. My schedule can be pretty hectic with my study, and HHF really accommodates for those early mornings or night shifts. DO IT.

Why did you join HHF?
The honest answer is I was given 3 warnings by my Yoga teacher for being “too aerobic” for his class! He said I think you need to find another exercise class that better suites you! Once I got over the embarrassment I was dobbed in to try Healthy Habits Fitness by Kelly Griffith. I have just celebrated my 2nd year anniversary with HHF and I wish I had taken it up years ago.
At almost 52 I struggle a bit to keep up with the youngsters but as I have always been competitive it spurs me on.
Why do you like it?
I like the early starts as these dawn sessions set me up for the work day ahead and it is personally satisfying knowing you have pushed yourself physically before most people are even awake!
Working towards targeted fitness goals also motivates me. After a big xmas of over consumption I put on 3 kilos, but once I started back after the break, I steadily lost 6 kgs over 6 months.
What's your highlight?
Completing my first City to Surf race was a big achievement for me and beating my time by over 4 minutes the following year has motivated me to try again next year. I want to get under 80 minutes and beat Tony Abbott before I hang up my running shoes.
My high and low point was having a quiet chunder after one of the first hard sessions I did with Lara right in the beginning. Yoga doesn’t transition to a Lara class that well it seems! It felt great that I was pushing myself hard but I could hardly walk for a few days after that. I didn’t fess up to Lara at the time!
Would you recommend it and why?
There are many reasons why I would recommend HHF to anyone. Firstly, Lara and the trainers are all great people to work with. Their sessions are always fun and diverse and with their support and encouragement I feel I that make progress towards my goals each week.
Another big plus is that the group culture at HHF is fantastic, no nutters or out of control egos like you see in some groups. Everyone is very welcoming and friendly. I also like training in such a beautiful location. Sydney Park at 6am is delightful and I recommend you try it out!

Why did you join HHF?
I joined HHF to lose weight and increase my fitness. I wanted to do some higher intensity exercise without being stuck indoors at the gym.
Why do you like it?
I like it because the work-outs are always different, it’s outdoors – and it’s fun. Everyone is friendly and supportive.
What do you get out of it?
I feel much fitter and stronger. I’ve lost about 7kg since joining.
Would you recommend it and why?
I would definitely recommend Hhf because it’s a great way to get fit. The instructors push you that bit further and there’s no slacking off.

Juggling family life, work and study means I have to keep on top of my game. And working out with Healthy Habit not only keeps me physically fit and strong, but it's a source of sanity for me too. I'm sure I'm a nicer mother for it! Outdoor training beats the gym any day and the trainers are great people and full of praise (none of this shouty bootcamp business). I highly recommend Healthy Habit, no matter what your fitness level.

Why did you join HHF?
I joined up to work out, stay fit & enjoy a variety of exercises over the long term. I had done morning group training sessions before and had really enjoyed it, as it; fitted in with my ever changing work schedule, challenged me to push much harder than I do on my own, introduced me to a nice group of like-minded people that I can hang with in the cold & dark at 6am in the middle of July .
Why do you like it?
The trainers are great! I like the level of difficultly, the variety of exercises to keep me engaged and the small words of encouragement that make me lift my game (if they're looking in my direction).
What's your highlight?
I loved the weekend away at the beginning of the year,totally killed me and the 10 sessions in 2 weeks (10:2) challenge.
Would you recommend it and why?
Yes of course recommend. After nearly 2 years of training with HHF it now just feels like I get up to go training with my friends, allowing me to maintain a great level of fitness that I can step up (for summer) or throttle down (due to work) by changing the sessions on offer to suit.

Why did you join HHF?
I joined HHF because I needed an alternative to the gym atmosphere, and outdoor training with HHF was just what I was looking for, being able to bring my kids along with me while I train is also a major plus.
Why do you like it?
With HHF I get pushed every time I train and the variety in each session keeps me motivated it is easy to get fit when you are having fun!
What's your highlight?
The highlight for me with HHF was training for and running in my first City to Surf this year, previously I hadn't had the confidence in my fitness to run it, but with the training I did with HHF I ran the City to Surf in just under 70 mins! Bring on next year.
Would you recommend it and why?
I would recommend training with HHF to anyone who is looking for a fun way to get fit outside in the fresh the air with like minded people.

'Lara Croft' that is what I call my PT. Because she is dedicated, fierce and all about pushing me to be my best. I am fitter, stronger, lighter, and my behind is way behind me now. The classes are my weekly ritual to feel my best. Thank you Healthy Habit.

Why did you join HHF?
I was going to the gym doing the same classes and workouts every week. I got some good results initially then my progress slowed and it felt like I was working just as hard for only marginal improvements. Someone suggested giving outdoor training with HHF a try and I had no idea what to expect but took the leap and I’ve not regretted it for a moment.
Why do you like it?
I’ve never been fitter or stronger and the sessions although challenging are fun. I can’t think of a single time I’ve finished a session and not felt better for having done it. If I’ve been away travelling or working I can honestly say that I miss HHF and I very much look forward to getting back into it as soon as I get home.
What's your highlight?
Training for and running the City 2 Surf given I’d never really run before starting HHF was a clear highlight. I won’t say the training was easy, but given it was so structured it gave me a lot of confidence that if I followed the program I should achieve my goal. I’ve also enjoyed some of the other external activities that we’ve trained for and completed as a HHF team such as Warrior Dash and The Stampede.
Would you recommend it and why?
It doesn’t matter what fitness level you are you will get something out of HHF outdoor training. The sessions are always challenging and the trainers have a good approach to finding the right balance between pushing each individual to (and beyond) their limits and keeping the sessions enjoyable. The group is a good mix of people who are all there to get fit and try and have some fun doing it.

I’ve decided to join HHF since that training with you guys is fulfilling and unlike other group fitness groups , attendees are friendly,committed and fun to work out with . The training grounds are world class at the beautiful Sydney Park plus the trainers are the real deal!
I like it as it’s healthy and wish that I had joined earlier !
The highlight was the group boxing but Lara may reconsider – who knows .
Lastly definitely without any doubt in my mind I would recommend HHF to anyone who wants to make a change positively towards a more healthier you . HHF are the real deal - Good on ya guys you deserve a medal ! Keep it up !

Why did you join HHF?
I joined post my first baby to get into shape. In particular I wanted to get fit as I'd already hit 40 and had lots of running around ahead of me. I thought if I joined an outdoor group I'd commit more than to my gym membership which I just wasn't using. And I did!
What have you got out of HHF?
I've obviously improved my health, gained strength, lost weight, but most of all made a couple of great friends. Three of us fell pregnant again and when we had our 2nd babies we still caught up socially calling it 'boob camp'. Three months later we're back at boot camp reaping the benefits again.
Would you recommend it and why?
I'd definitely recommend HHF because it's more than just exercise and the skilled trainers have the right balance of working you hard, keeping it fun, and keeping you motivated. I'm never bored.

Brynn and Dom
Why did you join HHF?
We joined after a few years living in cold climates during which time we'd put on a bit of Winterspeck (winter bacon). We joined to lose weight, and get fit and strong. We'd both been quite fit before, so we had a good idea of our goals. We had worked out with outdoor fitness groups before and have always preferred it over a gym.
What do you get out of HHF?
Within the first 3 months we saw serious improvements in our strength, agility and endurance as well as significant weight loss. Within about 10 months, we're very close to achieving our weight loss goals without any other serious lifestyle changes. We try to do four sessions per week, so we work hard. The sessions are consistently challenging so we don't get bored or complacent. We are MUCH fitter and healthier.
What's your highlight?
We've exceeded our fitness goals and are still seeing improvements. We've had some good laughs with the trainers and group along the way. Exercise has gone back to being something we look forward to, rather than a chore.
Would you recommend it and why?
Without hesitation, but the results speak for themselves. Plenty of friends have asked us about how we have increased our fitness and lost weight, and some have joined the group during the year. Lara and her team keep us accountable without being overbearing, and cater expertly to the different strengths and fitness levels within the group.