Salad season is upon us! Salads can be quick and easy way to get all the macro nutrients you need. Salads can be nutritious and delicious! The key, as always, is planning. For those with cooking phobias please see my top 3 salads that are so easy and quick to prepare and make. They all take a total of 15 minutes to make and have simple ingredients you can use for all of them. I have faith, you can all do it!
Roasted Sweet Potato and Goats Cheese.
1 - Chop up sweet potatoes and put in the oven until cooked (about 15 mins on 180 degrees). Put them in the fridge when they have cooled down then they are there for a quick snack and to make your salad with.
2 - Mix with chopped up tomatoes, baby spinach and avocado. Add in goats cheese (Meredith Goats cheese is infused with garlic and is delicious. You can buy this from Woolworths and a lot of main food stores).
Total time 15 mins.

Poached Chicken and Avocado
1 - Put chicken in cold water and let it come to boil, then simmer. Cut chicken up into smaller pieces so it cooks quicker. This takes all of 10 mins. Cook some extra so you can snack on it (a bit of olive oil and salt is nice too).
2 - Add cucumber, mixed leaf salad, tomatoes, carrot and avocado.
3 - Add olive oil, lemon and pepper.
Total time 15mins.
Tuna and Potato Salad
1- Boil some baby potatoes (10 mins) and eggs (3 mins). Cook extra for snacks.
2 - Mix with tuna, cucumber, tomatoes, carrot, mixed leaf salad and avocado.
3 - Add olive oil and pepper.
Total time 15 mins.
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